Protecting your business with a security system is one of the best investments that you can make in protecting your property. By partnering with a security company that specializes in commercial protection, you can breathe easy knowing that your building is safe overnight and on the weekends. In addition to your commercial security system, there are several other strategies that you can employ to limit the risk of break-ins that could raise your insurance and otherwise cost you money. Here are some methods to consider using.

Use Exterior Lighting

Adding lighting to the exterior of your business location is a smart investment. Given that many commercial break-ins take place overnight when the business is empty, lights will be valuable in illuminating the area. If the area around your business is dark and shadowy, thieves may be able to hide undetected until the coast is clear, and then break in and remove valuable items from your office. With exterior lights on the building, in the parking lot, and even on the fences, the area will instantly become much more uninviting for people with dubious intentions. It's possible that thieves will ignore your business and choose to target another one that doesn't make use of exterior lighting.

Keep High-Value Objects Out Of Sight

You also want to keep as many valuable items out of sight from outside. For example, if you have a lot of windows in your building, thieves may be able to see computers, TV screens, and other high-value electronics from outside your building. For some thieves, the presence of these items is too tempting to pass up. If possible, organize your office so that high-value items are kept in interior rooms without windows. For example, if you have a boardroom with a wall-mounted TV, use a room that people can't see from outside. Additionally, encourage your staff to draw the blinds at the end of the workday.

Add Some Window Bars

Many commercial buildings have a surplus of windows. They certainly make the building look inviting, but can also allow for an easy break-in. If you're concerned about the amount of glass in your building, consider having some window bars installed. Many businesses take this approach and it can be an effective one for lowering the risk of break-ins. If you don't like the look of windows bars, consider shatterproof film for your windows. This clear coating can make windows difficult to break, which can reduce the risk of a break-in.

Talk to a security company, like Videotec Corporation, for more help.
